The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a key metric for measuring loyalty and satisfaction traditionally from customers; however, patient feedback is equally important for healthcare organization change and improvement. It is based on a simple survey question that asks respondents how likely they are to recommend a product or service to a friend or colleague, using a scale from 0 to 10. The responses are categorized as follows: Promoters (9-10), Passives (7-8), and Detractors (0-6).

PX Academy uses NPS to gauge its progress and pinpoint areas for improvement as it delivers professional development to healthcare professionals. PXA has seen a consistent increase in its NPS over the years, with the score rising from +77 in 2020 to +90 in 2024. PX Academy emphasizes the importance of taking feedback seriously and using the NPS metric to enhance its programs and offerings.

While NPS is a valuable quantitative metric, it should be complemented with qualitative insights to provide the necessary context behind the score. PXA encourages organizations to use NPS to identify areas that need improvement and collect patient insights to understand the reasons behind the scores.

Companies can compare their NPS with other industry scores using the Qualtrics NPS comparison tool

Over the years, PX Academy has boosted the careers of countless professionals who work in healthcare across the globe. They’ve helped over 400 professionals earn their certifications as a specialists in Experience delivery (Patient Experience, Customer Experience). They’ve held the hand of administrators who restructure their organization to be patient-centric. 

In summary, NPS is a powerful tool for assessing customer loyalty and satisfaction, and when used in conjunction with qualitative insights, it can be instrumental in improving the overall Patient Experience.